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    Product update webpage

    Welcome to the Evotix Product Updates Page!

    Our products never stand still. Use this page to stay informed on all previous and upcoming releases to ensure you get the most out of your solution.

    Before each release, we send an email with key highlights. Contact your CSM if you are not receiving them. 

    You can also access this page from the Help Menu in Assure!

    product update

    Release Timeline

    At Evotix, we work in two-week development sprints, releasing updates after each sprint. Below are the upcoming product release dates:

    • Release 27.4 - Tuesday,  September 17 2024 at 3 a.m. EDT
    • Release 28.1 - Tuesday, October 8
    • Release 28.2 - Tuesday, October 22
    • Release 28.3 - Tuesday,  November 5
    • Release 28.4 - Tuesday, November 19

    See below for details on what has been released thus far!

    Why Evotix_Image 2_Mobile


    What's New in 2024

    Coming Soon!

    Coming soon! | Learn UI

    Refresh of the User Interface (UI) of Learn: Engage Your People With Intuitive and Responsive Mobile Training



    This year, we have focused on how you manage training in Assure. Coming soon, we are enhancing how you support your people's engagement in training with a new user interface (UI) in Learn.

    This will be an update to both the UI and infrastructure of the learner side of Learn. The UI change is not automatic. This will not change the way you create and distribute content in Learn.

    What is upcoming:

    • Updated Look & Feel
    • Navigation Changes
    • New Profile and Settings Section
    • New URL & Native Mobile App

    learn on desktop



    These updates will make it easier for your people to access and engage in the training they need for safe and quality work.


    You control when you switch over to the new UI. More documentation covering details on changing over will be coming soon. If you currently have Learn your CSM will reach out to you to discuss next steps.

    Looking for ways to provide accessible training for safe work to your people? Or already using Learn and interested in the new Learn UI?

    Join our Lunch & Learn on 26 September to learn more about improving training with Evotix.

    🖱️ Register here

    LL Banner September US


    September 2024

     Release 27.4 | AI Assistant

    Add Smart Suggestions to Your Incident Records with the AI Assistant

    We are expanding our AI Assistant so you can now also generate suggestions for incident records. Embed live AI responses into your incident reviews to help your user make better decisions, enhancing your risk mitigating activities.

    You have full control of the AI Assistant, and you configure your own prompts for the AI Assistant, allowing it to provide live suggestions for incident and hazard report records.

    Now you can generate prompts using incident record details for topics such as suggested actions to help prevent an incident from occurring again or potential next steps for a root cause analysis following an incident. 

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    How does the Evotix AI Assistant work?

    • Evotix will enable the AI Assistant for you and provide you with your company AI authorization key.
    • Create your own prompts, including forming fields, so it fits the needs of your business. A default prompt is available that you can copy and amend.
    • Generate AI suggestions within incident and hazard records based on your prompt
    • Set permission on who can create prompts and who can generate suggestions.

    🖱️ Watch this short video or check out this knowledge base article to learn more about the Evotix AI Assistant.


    The AI Suggestions Assistant leverages OpenAI Enterprise , which ensures that data remains private and isolated, and is only used for the benefit of providing suggestions for each use case.



    This is just the start of Evotix AI. We are actively looking at how to expand our AI capabilities further.

    If you are interested in using the Evotix AI Assistant and would like to find out more, please contact your customer success team. 

     Release 27.4 | Training

    Efficiently Manage Training by Adding Courses to Roles


    In this release, you can now efficiently update training from your course records.

    Now as you update training requirements for your people with a new or existing course, you can link the course from the course record to one or multiple Training Needs Analysis (TNA) templates.

    This also allows you to easily view from existing courses what TNA templates a course is added to. 

    How it works:

    • When in a course, select the new "Add to TNA Template" option.
    • Add the course to any TNA by searching and selecting through your TNA templates.
    • Update the TNA for people and your record.

    This allows you to easily update TNAs for your people after you have created a new course, and easily check which TNA templates an existing course is linked to.

    🖱️ Learn more in this knowledge base for information on how to quickly add training to job roles.

    ▶️ Check out a recording from our previous Lunch & Learn webinar covering the previous enhancements to managing training in Assure. 

     Release 27.4 | Data Extraction API

    Data Extraction API Expanded to Further Datasets

    The Data Extraction API has been extended, allowing you to export datasets for the following modules/submodules:  

    • People - Training Needs Analysis

    You can now export more than 50 different types of datasets with this API, with more being added over time. You can find a complete list and an overview on how it works in this knowledge base article.


    How do I get started? 

    The Data Extraction API is a chargeable service. To activate it, please contact your Customer Success Manager 

     Release 27.3 | Administration

    Efficiently Manage Translations of Your IQ Templates

    With this release, we are enhancing how you manage translations of IQ templates.

    How it works: 

    • Export the IQ template you want to translate.
    • In the exported CSV file, add the translation for each section in the language you need translated and save the CSV file. 
      • Any sections not translated will stay in the original English value
    • Upload the IQ Template to create the newly translated version.

    This allows you to have full control over translations, ensuring accuracy and alignment with your business terminology across all required languages. 

    🖱️ Learn more in this knowledge base for how to translate your IQ Templates.

     Release 27.3 | APIs and Integrations

    Further Enhancements to Inbound APIs

    We are enhancing how you use inbound APIs with improvements that streamline the transfer of data that is important to you. 

    What this includes:

    • All module APIs now use system default language for picklist values.
    • New PATCH endpoints for Person and Equipment Register APIs allow you to send only the data you want to update.
    • The Person Register API now allows you to send a TNA with person creation.
    • If you have auto-archive training enabled, the API will automatically archive training records when a person leaves.

    To learn more about enabling auto-archive training, check out this knowledge base.

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    Want to get started using inbound APIs?

    We have expanded our inbound API capabilities to include:

    • Person Register
    • Equipment Register
      Incident Analysis
    • Claims Management
    • User
    • Organizational Unit

    More inbound APIs are coming soon.

    Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Customer Development Manager if you are interested in procuring and adding inbound API functionality.

     Release 27.3 | Data Extraction API

    Data Extraction API Expanded to Further Datasets

    The Data Extraction API has been extended, allowing you to export datasets for the following modules/submodules:  

    • Incident Event
    • TNA Course/Component

    You can now export more than 50 different types of datasets with this API, with more being added over time. You can find a complete list and an overview on how it works in this knowledge base article.


    How do I get started? 

    The Data Extraction API is a chargeable service. To activate it, please contact your Customer Success Manager 

    August 2024

     Release 27.2 | SDS Management

    Save Time Accessing Important SDS Information 

    We are committed to improving how you manage Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) with our integration with SDS Manager. This integration provides a searchable database of millions of SDSs.

    Now as you create an SDS record, SDS information will automatically populate from any SDS you search and add to your SDS library.

    How does it work?

    • Search and select an SDS from the SDS Manager database. An icon in the SDS library will now indicate which records are linked to an SDS from the database.
    • Information from the selected SDS will automatically populate corresponding fields within the SDS record.
      • Any data that doesn’t have a direct corresponding field will appear in the ‘other data’ field in the SDS record.
    • When sharing SDSs via mobile devices to your workers, key fields are available immediately without opening the attachment.

    This saves time, ensuring critical information from any SDS is easily accessible whether in Assure or AssureGO+.

    Watch this short video to learn more

    sds video image

    More capabilities coming over the next few months!

    • Automated notifications: Receive alerts when an SDS is updated, enabling proactive reviews and timely document updates.
    • Submit your own SDS: If an SDS is not available in the database, you’ll have the ability to submit your own.

    🖱️  Learn more in this knowledge base article. 


    📅 Join our next lunch and learn to see this live in Assure or reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you'd like to find out more.

     Release 27.2 | Administration

    Easily Transfer Dashboard Ownership

    dashboard reassignment

    In this release, we are adding functionality for you to transfer Insights+ dashboard ownership from one dashboard designer to another.

    Now, when you change access of an Insights+ designer or try to disable or delete their Assure user account, you will be able to select another user to become the dashboard owner.

    This allows you to better manage your Insights+ dashboards.

    🖱️  Learn more in this knowledge base article.

     Release 27.1 | Training

    Easily Assign Training When Setting Up a New Joiner

    When creating a new person in the Person Register, it is now possible to assign their required training at the same time. This helps you ensure that new joiners receive the training they need. A new section ‘Training’ has been added to the Person Register where you can select the required qualifications for that person, which will automatically create all training records.

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    27.1 TNA

    How does it work?

    • When setting up a new person’s record, select ‘yes’ to create a ‘Training Needs Analysis (TNA).’ 
    • Choose the required qualification (TNA Template).
    • Add additional courses from the course library if required.
    • Save the person record to automatically create the TNA and training records for that person.  

    🖱️  Learn more in this knowledge base article for details on how to quickly add training to a new joiner’s record. 

     Release 27.1 | APIs and Integrations

    Use the Equipment Register API to Update Your Equipment Register in Assure

    We are excited to add the ability to use inbound APIs to automatically create, update and delete equipment records by integrating Assure with other systems that you use to manage your equipment. This API allows you to easily keep your equipment register up to date, ensuring you collect accurate and reliable data for all your assets.  

    Assure's Equipment API is accessed via a RESTful API, which is a standard protocol widely supported by integration platforms, ETLs and programming and scripting languages. 


    How does it work?

    With the Equipment API you can: 

    • Create new equipment register records  
    • Update existing equipment register records  
    • Delete equipment register records  

    How do I get started? 

    Before you can get started, we need to enable the API for you. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Customer Development Manager if you are interested in procuring and adding this functionality.  

    🖱️  Learn more in this knowledge base article for details on inbound APIs. 


     Release 27.1 | Administration

    Link a User and Person Record for Better Management of Your Peoples’ Records

    people user

    With this product release, we are enabling the connection between users of Assure and their corresponding record in the Person Register. Now, any change to shared fields will update both records.   

    Linking both user and person details is a key building block for other developments on our product roadmap.  

    Evotix - Arrow

    How does it work?

    A new field has been added to link a User to a Person Register record. This connects the name and email fields, and allows you to make updates in one place. You can manage this from both the Person Register and User Management. When enabling this feature, the email field in the Person Register will become mandatory and must be unique. 

    This feature is enabled in your system setting by Evotix. Reach out to your customer success manager to enable this feature.  

    🖱️ Learn more in this knowledge base article on how to utilize this connection. 

    July 2024

     Release 26.4 | Data Extraction API

    Data Extraction API Expanded to Further Datasets

    The Data Extraction API has been extended, allowing you to export datasets for the following modules/submodules:  

    • Reviews
    • Job Hazard Analysis 
      • Hazards and Controls 
      • PPE Image 

    You can now export more than 40 different types of datasets with this API, with more being added over time. You can find a complete list and an overview on how it works in this knowledge base article.


    How do I get started? 

    The Data Extraction API is a chargeable service. To activate it, please contact your Customer Success Manager 

     Release 26.3 | Administration

    Add Live Suggestions to Your Hazards With the AI Assistant

    Meet the Evotix AI Assistant for Hazard Spotting. Embedding live AI responses into your hazard reviews can help your users make better decisions, enhancing your risk mitigating activities.

    You can configure your own prompts for the AI Assistant, allowing it to provide live suggestions on topics such as risk severity and actions or control measures to consider following a hazard report.

     How does the Evotix AI Suggestion Assistant work?

    • Evotix will enable the AI Assistant for you and provide you with your company AI authorization key.
    • Create your own prompts, including form fields, so it fits the needs of your business. A default prompt is available that you can copy and amend.
    • Generate AI suggestions within the hazard record based on your prompt.
    • Set permission on who can create prompts and who can generate suggestions.
    AI Assistant

    The AI Suggestions Assistant leverages OpenAI Enterprise , which ensures that data remains private and isolated, and is only used for the benefit of providing suggestions for each use case.

    🖱️ Watch this short video to learn how to use the Evotix AI Assistant or check out this knowledge base article

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    This is just the beginning of Evotix AI. We are actively looking at how to expand our AI capabilities further.

    If you are interested in using the Evotix AI Assistant and would like to find out more, please contact your customers success team. 

     Release 26.3 | Administration

    Easily Bulk Update Training Records to Report Attendance

    To improve how you update training records and reduce admin time, we are enhancing the bulk update functionality that allows you to update the training status of multiple attendees on a course at the same time. 

    You can now also add attachments or links when completing the update, allowing you to upload generic training attendance documentation.

    The update process is now initiated with a new ‘Training Bulk Update’ button on the Training Records and TNA overview pages.

    How the new process works:

    • After selecting the course, you can search and select the individual training records to update.
    • There is no limit to the number of records that can be included.
    • Add attachments and links specific to each bulk training record updated, such as completion certificates.
    • The process is available for training records, training needs analysis and course list pages.

    🖱️ Check out this knowledge base article for details on how to effectively bulk update your training records.

    bulk update

     Release 26.3 | Administration

    Send Notifications to 'AssureGO+ Only' Users

    With this release, we are adding ‘AssureGO+ Only’ users to notification groups. The process for creating notification groups or notifications is not changing. This will give the ability to provide feedback to ‘AssureGO+ Only’ users and improve notification settings to alert stakeholders who do not have access to Assure.

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    What is being added?

    • ‘AssureGO+ Only’ users can now be added to notification groups.
    • Checkbox to select if you want to include ‘AssureGO+ Only’ users in your search when selecting users for notification groups.
    🖱️ Check out this knowledge base article for details on how to add 'AssureGO+ Only' users to your notification groups

     Release 26.3 | Administration

    Data Extraction API Expanded to Further Datasets

    The Data Extraction API has been extended, allowing you to export datasets for the following modules/submodules:  

    • Equipment Maintenance 
    • RPE/PPE Maintenance 
    • OSHA 301 
    • OSHA 300

    You can now export more than 40 different types of datasets with this API, with more being added over time.

    🖱️ You can find a complete list and an overview on how it works in this knowledge base article.  


    How do I get started? 

    The Data Extraction API is a chargeable service. To activate it, please contact your Customer Success Manager.  

    If you are already using the Data Extraction API but want to add more datasets, please contact Evotix Support for assistance.  


    January to June 2024

    Have more questions?

    Submit a request below.