Revolutionizing Employee Well-Being With Psychosocial Event Tools
28 February 2024 - Evotix
Promoting mental well-being is a crucial focus for organizations globally, given that one in five individuals experiences mental health challenges, according to the World Health Organization. For many people, the workplace is where mental health problems first begin and/or become exacerbated.
Research from the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology reveals a notable gap in the perception of well-being between employers and employees. Managers tend to overestimate employee well-being, rating it at 7.4 out of 10, while employees rate their own well-being lower at 5.8 out of 10. FEFO’s Health and Safety Index benchmark data consistently places health and well-being as the lowest-scoring areas for health and safety professionals aiming to enhance programs.
To foster a supportive culture, employers must truly understand employee well-being and provide robust support for mental health issues.
Mental Health in the workplace
The impact of the pandemic has intensified mental health concerns globally, with increased rates of anxiety, depression and substance misuse. For example:
Workplace stress has surged for 44% of European workers since COVID-19, according to an OSH Pulse survey.
The National Institutes of Health reports nearly half of Americans have experienced recent anxiety or depressive disorder symptoms, and 10 percent feel their mental health needs are not being met.
- In COVID-19’s first year, worldwide anxiety and depression spiked by 25 percent.
Providing mental health care costs. Expenses associated with providing mental health care to employees include the cost of therapy, medication and hospitalization. Organizations spend over $15,000 annually on each employee experiencing mental health issues, reported the National Safety Council.
Many factors can contribute to employees’ mental health problems in the workplace, including:
- Work overload
- Lack of control over one’s work
- Bullying or harassment
- Discrimination
- Unfair pay or benefits
- Poor physical working conditions
Challenges of psychosocial reporting around the world
Psychosocial reporting emerges as a crucial solution to promptly address issues. However, the virtual and global shift in operations introduces complexities in psychosocial reporting across countries due to varying factors. Here are some examples:
Cultural differences
Language barriers
Access to healthcare
Social stigma
Economic factors
Legal requirements
Lack of legal requirements
Difficulties in enforcement
Certain countries may have different legal requirements relating to psychosocial reporting. Here are a few examples of the variety of compliance regulations:
United States: California has a law that requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide mental health services.
United Kingdom: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to take steps to protect the health and safety of their employees. This includes protecting employees from psychosocial risks.
Australia: The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 requires employers to take steps to eliminate or minimize psychosocial risks to the health and safety of their employees.
Brazil: Has a law that requires employers with more than 100 employees to provide mental health services.
India: Does not have any federal laws that specifically address psychosocial risks in the workplace. However, several state laws do address these issues. For example, the Maharashtra government has issued a notification that requires all employers with 100+ employees to provide mental health services.
Mexico: The Federal Labor Law requires employers to conduct a psychosocial risk assessment in workplaces with 50+ employees.
Workplace-related factors, such as size, industry, location, technology usage, corporate culture and resources may also have an impact on reporting.
The need for psychosocial technological tools
A comprehensive psychosocial management tool serves as a crucial asset, aiding organizations in managing psychosocial risks, supporting employee well-being, reducing costs and fostering industry innovation.
Benefits of a psychosocial tool include decreased absenteeism, improved well-being, enhanced productivity and reduced legal liability through compliance with psychosocial risk-related legal requirements.
Psychosocial workplace training is becoming more common and can help employees identify and manage stress, improve communication and conflict resolution skills and create a more supportive work environment. Some common topics include:
Stress management
Coping with change
Assertiveness training
Conflict resolution
Diversity and inclusion
With these solutions, organizations gain a heightened awareness of psychosocial challenges, empowering them to proactively manage incidents, address potential issues and prioritize the mental and physical health of their workforce. This proactive approach ensures early recognition and understanding of underlying issues, facilitating timely and effective interventions.
Interested in learning more about how you can better support your employees’ mental health? Check out our Mental Health And Well-Being Toolkit
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