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    High-Risk Journey Planning  


    Proactively manage potential travel risks for teams heading to remote and high-risk areas. Use pre-travel approvals and regular digital check-ins to stay informed and ensure the safety of your people. 

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    Everything You Need to Make High-Risk Travel Safer

    Clear visibility of frontline teams traveling to remote and high-risk areas is crucial for effective risk management. Without a standardized process it's hard to track who's traveling, their routes, their last known location or potential hazards along the way. 

    Our Journey Planning solution simplifies this by tracking all journey information centrally, alerting your people to risks before their trip and whenever a traveler fails to check in on time. 



    A centralized and standard approach saves time spent tracking travel status.


    Health and Safe

    Promote safe travel by capturing and sharing potential travel risks.



    Mobile access to journey plans with pre-agreed digital waypoint check in.



    Be in the know of travel status through system alerts.

    How Can Journey Planning Help? 

    Plan Journeys Effectively, Centrally

    • Create a process for planning and approving travel to remote and high-risk workplaces.

    • Capture all travel details, including any risks and controls for the journey, and share with your travelers via mobile.

    • Plan when workers need to check in at prearranged locations.
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    Track Active, High-Risk Journeys

    • Closely monitor any active journeys

    • Allow your travelers to check in digitally at arranged locations and times.

    • Receive alerts when your people fail to check in or when travel status changes.

    Be the Inspiration for Change

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