Lockout/Tagout Management
Safeguard workers’ safety with machine-specific lockout/tagout procedures.

Empower Workers With Mobile-Ready Lockout/Tagout Procedures
A one-size-fits-all procedure for all your equipment and machinery is hardly ever adequate for workers’ safety. Even the slightest variation in procedures can lead to catastrophic events.
An effective Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) program is about understanding each piece of equipment's unique risks and developing precise procedures to eliminate those risks.
Empower workers with mobile-ready and machine-specific LOTO processes to effectively disable, isolate and de-energise assets and machinery for safety and compliance.
Leverage machine-specific and interactive procedural checklists.
Enable workers to receive just-in-time guidance and communication.
View all LOTOs in your workers' vicinity with location-aware capabilities.
Digitise manual LOTO processes to improve efficiency and save time.
Give workers step-by-step interactive guidance to LOTO then re-energise.
How Can A Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Solution Help?
Send Real-Time Information to Frontline Workers
- View lockout/tagout areas on a mobile map and provide real-time information to frontline workers.
- Provide workers with detailed instructions and images of specific plants, machinery and locations for items like handles, valves, etc.
Learn how we tailor our platform to meet your specific industry needs by visiting our industry overview.

Interactive Procedures
- Provide interactive step-by-step procedures for workers to complete.
- Allow workers to attach photos and comments.
- Implement a feedback mechanism for confirmation and acknowledgement.
Enhance Safety Through Mobile-Ready Lockout/Tagout
- Utilise mobile to efficiently and effectively disable, isolate and de-energise equipment and machinery in the field.
- Easily reactivate and restore the asset or machine for use once work has been completed.

Safeguard Workers' Safety With These Tools:
- Data Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: Gain insights into risk mitigation efforts with out-of-the-box reporting and data analytics.
- Procedural Walkthrough: Provide workers in the field with anytime mobile access to interactive procedures and ensure jobs are completed safely.
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