In This Case Study, You'll:
- Learn How Sandvik Improved Its EHS Performance by Simultaneously Improving Both the Management Systems and the EHS Culture
Sandvik used Evotix, an SAI360 Company, to translate data into information to strengthen the value of EHS across the enterprise, to build and implement a culture of EHS awareness and to enable staff to take ownership of EHS on an individual basis.
- Discover A Few "Aha" Moments
In the years after the solution was implemented, the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate fell from 19.6 to 2.7 at the end of February 2021 and the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate is now at 0.67.
- Answer Your Big Questions on WHY Sandvik Partnered with Evotix
In order to improve both its EHS culture and its management systems, Sandvik started reporting not only to track outcomes, but also to allow a wider, more holistic view of data to ensure greater transparency, promote good decision-making and recognize key areas for change and investment.
What are you waiting for? Read this case study to understand how Sandvik elevated EHS performance by reshaping both management systems and workplace culture, fostering individual ownership and accountability with the help of Evotix, an SAI360 Company.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why should I stop using manual processes to manage my health and safety processes?
Health and safety software is the cornerstone of exceptional health and safety leadership. It enables companies to ditch manual and paper files and spreadsheets with the automation and analytics needed for world-class health and safety programs.
What type of businesses should say goodbye to using manual processes to manage safety?
Health and safety software can benefit a wide range of industries including manufacturing, food & drink, construction, utility services, transport & logistics, municipalities, healthcare, education and housing.
What type of return on investment could health and safety software provide?
When investing in health and safety software, our customers typically see payback within 12 months. We have seen individual customers benefit from:
- 700% increase in incident reporting
- 17,000+ recorded behavioral conversations since implementation
- 85% reduction in time spent on reporting