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Operating in the “new normal”: Make UK sheds light on the next steps for manufacturing health and safety
16 July 2020 - Evotix
Make UK champions and celebrates British manufacturing and manufacturers, with Make Business providing essential knowledge, industry insight and practical support in the areas of Health & Safety and HR. A little over a year ago, Make UK partnered with SHE Software to provide a unique and..
The Missing Piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle Part 5: Continuous Improvement
13 July 2020 - Evotix
Have you heard about the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle? This combination of key pieces and technology can make a big difference in organizational health and safety. In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and..
The Missing Piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle Part 4: Informed Decisions
25 June 2020 - Evotix
What is the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle? It is a combination of key pieces and technology that can make a big difference in organisational health and safety. In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this..
Announcing SHE Software’s first global virtual forum, 'Business as Unusual'
24 June 2020 - Evotix
Safety is more important than ever. Coronavirus has been the most searched (and most discussed!) topic for the past few months placing an enormous spotlight on health and safety. COVID-19 has forced..
The Missing Piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle Part 3: Data and Information
18 June 2020 - Evotix
The Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle is a combination of key pieces that can make a big difference in an organisation, especially when technology is added to the mix. In Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog..
The Missing Piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2: Engagement
2 June 2020 - Evotix
In our last blog we placed the first piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle that detailed how leadership is the first step in driving a positive culture. Now, we continue onto the next piece of..
Health and Safety download with…Lauren Fraser
29 May 2020 - Evotix
In this month’s health and safety download, we speak with Lauren Fraser about how a bottle of Bundaberg Ginger Beer brought her to SHE Software and exactly what a UX/UI Designer does!
The Missing Piece of the Health and Safety Jigsaw Puzzle Part 1: Leadership
21 May 2020 - Evotix
According to Ravensburger, one of the world’s biggest makers of jigsaw puzzles, their sales skyrocketed by 370% since shelter-in-place orders went into effect in March. There is something hugely..
Health and Safety Hindsight is Not 2020: Why Digital Is The Way Forward
6 May 2020 - Evotix
In the last two decades, disruption has almost become the norm. Nimble web, cloud, and software companies like Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, and Google have quickly spun up products, services,..
New COVID-19 Assure Portal
13 March 2020 - Evotix
Committed to supporting our customers, full circle COVID-19 is headline news. With a growing number of countries now affected, the impact on the global economy is increasing.