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5 Ways That Safety Software Helps Keep Food And Drink Workers Safe And Healthy
16 March 2021 - Rosa Gaynor
“Eat, drink, and be merry,” starts off with a positive premise, but the second part of the common phrase turns stark. It implies that since we can’t predict tomorrow, it’s important to enjoy the present. That might sound like a good way to approach living, but it is not an ideal way to operate..
HSE Software: The foundation of improved health and safety for construction companies
8 March 2021 - Evotix
Consider these data points. In 2019, the number of fatalities on U.S. construction sites were 1,066. In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), there were 40 fatal injuries across 2019 and 2020...
DIY health and safety software: Why you shouldn’t do it
16 February 2021 - Evotix
Who doesn’t love do-it-yourself (DIY) projects? The home improvement channels are filled with programs that show eager homeowners taking on a major renovation project or novices trying their hands at..
2021's Definition of Safety Normalcy
8 February 2021 - Evotix
All of us are hoping that 2021 will be different from 2020. But how can it be if we keep doing the same things we’ve always done? If we don’t accept that things have fundamentally changed for good,..
Top Tips to Reduce the Spread of Infection
25 January 2021 - Evotix
Infectious diseases pose a great threat to the workforce day in, day out, and have the capability to disrupt more than just business operations. Even in a “normal” year, we have to consider various..
How to fast-track your journey to health and safety ROI
14 January 2021 - Evotix
How much does an ‘on the job’ accident cost? For starters, there are the direct costs, which include medical expenses for the injured worker, workers' compensation payments, medical expenses, and..
Avoid the health and safety blackhole and get visible by ditching your spreadsheets
18 December 2020 - Evotix
How challenging is it to ensure the visibility of health and safety performance and compliance across your organisation? What role do spreadsheets play in your health and safety programs? If it seems..
Ending the paper chase: 3 reasons to leave manual processes behind
13 August 2020 - Evotix
Why should your organisation leave manual processes behind? Let’s take a trip back to 1970s cinema to demonstrate. A 1973 movie called The Paper Chase told the story of James Hart, a first-year law..
Healthy, wealthy and wise: Why health and safety and operations are natural partners
11 August 2020 - Evotix
Did you know that when operations management and health and safety management are integrated, performance in both disciplines improves? Experts have noted that at the safest, most successful..
The Health and Safety Cycle
29 July 2020 - Evotix
A Technology Prescription for a World-Class Health and Safety Program Since 2010, organisations and universities have conducted safety maturity assessments for the construction, utilities,..