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I’m Not a Statistic – Let's Be More Efficient
10 November 2022 - Evotix
Can you remember a day when everything felt effortless? The coffee was kicking in. Every item on your to-do list felt doable, every distraction ignorable, every mistake fixable. You were firing on all cylinders.
The Perfect EHS Software for Your Business
3 November 2022 - Evotix
Congratulations! You’re at the stage of your EHS management journey where you understand the importance of using digital technology to help you create a smarter, safer workplace.
What is Risk Management Software?
1 November 2022 - Evotix
‘Risk management’ sounds deceptively simple—identify what can go wrong, figure out how to ensure it doesn’t, supress the risk. In reality, there are many types of risk that can affect an organization..
How The Digitally Fluent Are Revolutionizing Health And Safety
25 October 2022 - Evotix
Much has been shared and analyzed about having five generations in the workforce with incredibly different drivers, capabilities and concerns depending on how they were raised, their societal..
What is a Risk Assessment?
20 October 2022 - Evotix
So first things first, what exactly is a risk assessment?
Making Workplace Safety About More Than Just The Physical
18 October 2022 - Evotix
Employees are the life force of any organization. Not only do they keep the practicalities of the operation going, but their individual and collective presence and energy is what builds its unique..
How EHS Software Can Make Your Safety Strategy Smarter
11 October 2022 - Evotix
In the age of abundant data, we track everything. Calories, steps and hours of screen time are all meticulously charted, because we know that understanding how we behave today can help us become..
NSC Safety Congress & Expo
5 October 2022 - Evotix
Our team has recently returned from The National Safety Council’s biggest event, the NSC Safety Congress & Expo, held this year in beautiful San Diego. The expo is held each year to help health and..
BYOD: The Key to a Safer Work Environment
29 September 2022 - Evotix
Apps make everything easier – catching up with friends, finding the best pancakes in in town, or even overnighting a cat collar to your front door.
I’m Not a Statistic – Accidents happen, right?
15 September 2022 - Evotix
A safer, smarter future exists out there for all of us.